Experimenting further with projection.

As part of the experimental process and my development with this project I took  the Manipulated projections and Photographs and experimented further with projecting onto the wire sculptures, Plaster face cast and paper Cubes. This time the Projector ws set up in a special dark room with blacked out walls.

You can see the development in the photographs from beginning to end and I had some trouble with capturing the camera settings as it wouldn’t always pick up on what I was seeing in the room. After I played about with the settings, trying auto, manual and effect it was clear that the best setting to capture the dramatic colour and effect on the wire was the effect setting on the camera that I hadn’t used before.

I really wanted the camera to relay what I could see in the room and some of the manipulated images were so effective that I could feel the drama and mesmerizing spirit of my Twins relationship in the room, especially the ones that capture Paige and Taylor falling out.

I tried moving the wire sculptures to the positions of the faces so that it would look like the sculptures were coming out of the photographs.

I attempted to project onto the plaster casting of my face but positioning the cast was difficult and as I was working on my own it wouldn’t stand upright and the projector struggled to reach it properly without me holding it which was difficult then to take the picture. I decided quite quickly that I didn’t like it and so dismissed it along with the cubes that I had attempted to use.

After having a long series of photographs where the images were not coming out I tried various modes on my camera and the photographs were finally showing the effect that was created in the room.

Moving on I will post some of my images onto the Fad page for feedback and return tomorrow.

It gets very hot in the room and I am constantly moving around into different positions to get the right angles. I love the photographs that I have done today showing my development as the day went on. Hopefully tomorrow I can create some more equally Dramatic. I noticed the brighter more colour filled the images projected were the more dramatic the effect was on the wire. I will go home tonight and add some more colour to some manipulations tonight ready for tomorrow.


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